Santa Con or Cat Festival movie?

Retire smartly

Choices Today I’m waking up on a crisp Saturday morning waiting for wifey to shake out the cobwebs and get ready. She convinced me earlier in the week to attend the first annual Cat Festival movie.  What did I get myself into?  Her invitation has given me pause to think about where my priorities are […]

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Bloggers are voyeurs

Blogging stats

Bloggers are voyeurs We’re curious creatures by nature, but I know bloggers specifically like to peek at other people’s junk.  By junk I mean stats. 🙂 It’s a benchmark for all of us to see how we’re doing.   No one size fits all, but at the end of the day, size does matter. This blog […]

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Is shared office space worth it?

Shared office space

A new look First things first. If you’ve been following along, even a little bit, you might notice some changes.  I’ve re-branded my blog from MyCareerReboot to FinanceAfter50.  As I’ve written more posts over the past 3 or 4 months I can feel my blogger voice developing.  I’m also interested in educating myself more about […]

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Happy wealth effect as your net worth grows

Happy wealth effect

Negative Nellies I love writing in this space, because I’m the youngest of 8 children. My oldest sibling(s) has an entirely different idea about “Financial Independence and retiring early”.  Flat out they discourage it. I don’t know if it’s because they’re concerned about my physical health, my mental health or just staying active.  Maybe they […]

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