Social Media Marketing I’ve always said that I wish my Twitter stats could be my blog page view stats. Well, unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. If you’re reading this, you’re probably curious about figuring out “what works and what doesn’t”. I might actually make this a regular feature of my blog to […]
My new blogger manifesto
What a long strange trip it’s been I’ve had this blog, in one form or another for 4 years this coming Fall. FOUR YEARS people!! Frankly, it hasn’t been a wild success. I’m not saying I haven’t had my moments, but I do think I’ve reached a turning point recently, regarding effort. A big part […]
The day I became “o.k.” with dying
I know it’s morbid… It’s not the easiest topic to discuss, especially during times like this, but this also relates to how a realization like that can change your relationship with money. This blog is also meant to be journal for myself that friends and family might look back on years from now. I’ve only […]
All the “What if’s” in the world
When you’re only half way there This is really a story about “wandering” when you decide to take some time off. I’m still in the process of taking some extended time off and left full time employment 4 years ago now. My wife still works a full time job and is the sole income for […]
20 Posts and 20 Pounds
The Post (#1) A big reason for starting this blog was the fact that I was not finding resources for many of the challenges I was facing at mid-life. Some of them were related to career skills and job opportunities. Others were related to unexpected health challenges and how to best deal with them. While […]
S#!t never changes
The more things change… I was sitting there in my “pedal chair” at physical therapy yesterday and there was an old man of 80+ in the chair next to me. I had actually just blown him away in our little fast walk over here. Him, with his little wooden cane, in the crosswalk and me, […]
Year end blog stats
This is just going to be a quick, benchmark post that summarizes my year end stats. With over 6,000 page views and roughly 3,000 visitors, it wasn’t exactly a stellar year. However, the year ended with some momentum and I did double my traffic from the previous year. I’d estimate that about 10% of that […]
Traveling on holiday’s is way over rated
Life’s full of potholes Let me preface this post with the disclosure that this coming April I will have been married to my wife for 29 years! Yay for that! It’s truly something to celebrate. So, I’ve been doing this “holiday” travel thing for quite a number of years. However, visiting her blended extended family […]
Fitness after 50
Fitness after 50 This post is meant to feature some of the core topics I’d like to focus on within this blog. The main items of Finance, Food and Fitness, will eventually be referenced on my “about me” page. These posts are meant to be a “Starting point” for readers and visitors. It’s always an […]
Food after 50
How our dietary needs change after a certain age Let’s face it, our metabolism slows down dramatically as we age. That leaves us with a couple of choices. Change what we eat and/or reduce the amount we eat. Secondly we need to increase our exercise a bit. I never did that. I always tempted the […]