This post is not meant as financial advice and is not an endorsement of any individual stock or investing method. Do your own THOROUGH research and then invest with caution. AI and investing is a new area but will most likely grow in usefulness. Autopilot investing I’ve been doing the mutual fund thing for years and frankly, sometimes I find it boring and less than optimal. Therefore, I’m […]
Real Estate Dreams: Why It’s Good When They Shatter
In December of 2013, a real estate dream of mine was shattered. We were one document away from owning the perfect home in Portland, Maine when the deal fell through. I was crushed. I had fallen in love with the city after a single visit (just like with NYC). But it just wasn’t to be. […]
Give Before You Go: Create a Living Legacy Today
I’ve always been ambivalent about my own wealth. You might even say that I’m obsessed with implementing a plan to give it all away (after we’re gone, of course). To that end, I wrote a post about a year ago on finding a financial “steward in the age of blended families.” The gist is that […]
Shifting conversations
When I started on my “Personal finance” journey around when I was 16 years old, I used to say, “If I can’t retire by the time I’m 45 or 50, I’m going to be pissed off!”. That comment was born out of extreme austerity that I put in place at a very young age. That […]
In a hot market, supplementing our income w/ stock gains
Harvesting gains I was going to title this post, “How I beat the market in 2018”, but that’s not really what this post is about. Plus, I didn’t want to sound like an ass. This post is about being “OK” with spending or using some of your hard earned retirement funds. I’ve seen this done […]
Year end blog stats
This is just going to be a quick, benchmark post that summarizes my year end stats. With over 6,000 page views and roughly 3,000 visitors, it wasn’t exactly a stellar year. However, the year ended with some momentum and I did double my traffic from the previous year. I’d estimate that about 10% of that […]
Traveling on holiday’s is way over rated
Life’s full of potholes Let me preface this post with the disclosure that this coming April I will have been married to my wife for 29 years! Yay for that! It’s truly something to celebrate. So, I’ve been doing this “holiday” travel thing for quite a number of years. However, visiting her blended extended family […]
What will NOT happen when you reach FI
On weekend mornings I like to lay on the couch and watch early morning TV. (sometimes Merry joins me). Often, I’m watching real estate shows that feature multi-million dollar NYC apartments. Over the years, I’ve slowly realized…”that’s probably not going to happen.” This particular post has taken on many titles in my mind: “What do […]
Finance after 50
Money and FIRE (Financial Independence / Retire Early) are the name of the game, right? I was drawn to the FIRE community because I’ve pretty much been living my life this way for quite a while now. Probably since I was 15 and had a 5am paper route. Our networth, all in, is over $1M […]
Fitness after 50
Fitness after 50 This post is meant to feature some of the core topics I’d like to focus on within this blog. The main items of Finance, Food and Fitness, will eventually be referenced on my “about me” page. These posts are meant to be a “Starting point” for readers and visitors. It’s always an […]